Core Values

Living as Missionaries

Missionaries are sent. Missionaries go. Instead of calling from the door of the church for people to come, we dedicate ourselves to go into our community, ministering to their needs, at their place, in their time. Ask yourself: How can I care for and meet the needs of the people in my circle of influence, in my street, at work, at the club, in my community? How can I give Jesus a good reputation? We will journey with people as they move towards faith, taking appropriate opportunities to verbally share the good news in the midst of friendship and practical care.

Authentic Community

Authentically following Jesus includes being an active member of His family. A healthy church family is a place where you are welcomed, valued and accepted; where you are encouraged and lovingly challenged; where your spiritual, social, and economic needs are met; where you have opportunity to be real, vulnerable, and understood. The necessary flip-side is that you do like-wise to others.

Strong Families

We feel particularly called to build strong God-honouring families in our community. This will require equipping men to be better husbands and fathers, women to be better wives and mothers, and children to respect and honour their parents and siblings. Included in this is the emphasis on strong children’s and youth ministries. People of all ages and stages will be able to contribute to building this value.

Prayerful Dependence

We recognize that apart from God we can do nothing. In light of this knowledge, we will commit ourselves to seeking God’s perspective in all our decision making, planning, and execution of programs. We will make God the overt centrepiece and focus of all that we do as a church. We will abandon our comfort zone in order to obey God more devotedly and further His mission.

Humble Servanthood

We commit to be a church where people are encouraged into loving service for others. The Kingdom of God is not about just sitting back and receiving all the time, but it means getting involved. It means seeing a need and filling it.

Meeting the Needs of the Needy

We commit to being a church that communicates the good news about Jesus Christ in deed. With the resources God has given us, we commit to being people who see and meet needs in our church family, local community, and in specific circumstances around the world.

Truth that Changes Lives

We believe that the Spirit of God uses the Word of God to transform lives, not merely fill us with information. We value the plain-spoken, culturally appropriate explanation of God’s desire for our lives. 

Shared Ministry

In God’s kingdom, it is not just the professionals who can and should do the work. All of God’s people are uniquely gifted to take a part in ministry, so we will embrace the contribution of every member. 

Multi-Generational, God-Centred worship

While we promote age-based activities throughout the week, we commit ourselves to gathering as a whole community to celebrate and worship God. Because we value being multi-generational, our worship services will include elements that appeal to different generations, but we will seek to always focus our attention on the majesty and beauty of the Almighty One.