Our Mission

We exist to ......

Glorify God, by making disciples of Jesus Christ, who bring hope to the world


In the beginning, God. God made us for God. This whole world was made for God’s glory. “All things are from Him, to Him and for Him.”God’s glory is magnificent. Experiencing His love, as a beloved child, is our highest status. Knowing Him intimately is our greatest joy. Living with God, for God and for His glory is our highest achievement.
Glorifying God means an entire lifestyle that delights in placing God first - His Kingdom and His values - so that our
whole lives proclaim God’s wise and gracious rule. In making much of God, we find our identity, fulfillment, purpose, security and satisfaction.
The people of Hope always begin with this: enjoying God and His glory.


Jesus gave us our simple mandate:
Go and make disciples.

A disciple of Jesus Christ is an apprentice – someone who commits to learning from Jesus in order to live like Jesus. Far from flying solo, Jesus calls us to this task in a community of broken yet redeemed people in which biblical truth is expressed and the grace of the gospel is lived out.

True disciples are in turn disciple-makers who share their lives with others and encourage them to “follow my example as I follow the example of Christ. ”The people of Hope delight to spend their energy and resources going and making disciples.


Hope is more than just a name that we call ourselves. It defines our calling.

We bring the hope of Jesus Christ to the world by talking about Jesus and what He has done for us, and by showing his love through sacrificial and tangible acts of kindness. We dream of God-glorifying, gospel-centered, Holy Spirit-em-powered, disciple-making missionaries sent into our local
community and all around the world. Central to this mission is sharing this great message: Be reconciled to God through the work of Jesus Christ, because you are loved with an ever-lasting love.

The people of Hope long that all people in all places may come to worship the one true God.