Welcome to Hope Community Church
At Hope on a Sunday morning, you will find a diverse range of people learning more about the good news of Jesus Christ. Some of them have been coming to church for years. For others, it’s their very first Sunday, and they are just beginning to find out about who Jesus Christ actually is. All are welcome to join the journey!
Sunday morning is when the whole church family comes together to celebrate what God has done in our lives through Jesus Christ.
In worship, God speaks to us and we respond to Him.
God speaks to us primarily through His Word, the Bible, which plays a significant role in our services. You’ll hear the Bible read, explained, and applied in a message. Typically each message is part of a larger series (normally based on a book of the Bible), where we seek to hear what God has to say to us through His Word.
We respond to God by singing songs, by praying, by meditating in moments of silence, by giving an offering, and by having time to share with each other. There is also a chance to be prayed for after the service. All of this is part of our worship to God.
Most Sundays we celebrate communion together (sometimes called “the Lord’s Supper”). Communion is our way of remembering the most important thing about our lives - that Jesus Christ has died in our place, and we are saved by His grace and not by anything we earn.
Sunday services are designed as a creative whole, where all the parts normally focus on one main theme. Our worship is multi-generation and God-centered. Each service is different, and designed to help you encounter the greatness of God and the wonder of God’s grace.
Here’s some answers to common questions you may have:
When are your services? Sundays at 10am, at Hope Community Church, Ranzau Road West (directly opposite Ranzau Primary School).
How should I dress? The way you feel most comfortable. At Hope Community you will find folks wearing a range of styles, from formal through to very relaxed.
Do I need to bring anything? No. We encourage you to bring your Bible if you have one. Or, if you don’t, let us know and we would love to give you one as a gift.
Will I have to stand up and introduce myself? Nope. You will never be asked to introduce yourself to the whole church. We want you to relax and be our guest as you get to know who we are. The most important thing to us is that you get to meet Jesus Christ, who has changed our lives.
What happens after the service? There is always an opportunity for prayer, or to have your questions answered after the service. Tea and coffee is always available in the foyer. Sometime we have a special lunch or BBQ. We encourage you to stick around and talk so that we can get to know you.