Statement of Faith
We believe that the one living and true God
is one in essence, eternally existing in the three persons of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
has revealed Himself to be perfect in love and righteous in all His ways.
We affirm that the Old and New Testament scriptures are fully God-breathed
given by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as the written Word of God to be understood in its historical and grammatical context.
are inerrant in the original writings and the final authority for our belief and behaviour
and that God speaks through them in living power to us in our life situations today.
We acknowledge that God made men and women in His own image and likeness
therefore, we have inherent worth and value as “image-bearers” of God.
but through rebellion and sinning against God’s rule and authority, we are members of a fallen race who stand guilty before a righteous God.
God however has demonstrated His love for us in sending Jesus Christ, so that by His grace we might be put right with God through faith in His Son.
We believe Jesus Christ to be truly God and truly human
born of the virgin Mary;
the only Saviour of the world,
who died on the cross in our place as a once for all sacrifice which won a victory over the powers of evil and left us an example to follow.
who rose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, and will one day personally return in glory and judgment.
We believe that the Holy Spirit
draws sinners to Christ
indwells all believers so that our minds are illuminated to grasp the truth of Scripture
fills us so our lives are continually being transformed into the image of Christ and His fruit is produced in us
equips us to serve God through the gifts and empowering the Spirit offers
We accept the responsibility of Christ’s people in this world to embody God’s love both locally and internationally
by worshipping Him with confession, prayer, and praise
by preaching the good news to all people, making disciples and planting churches
by caring for the people of God through fellowship and teaching of the Word
by loving service to our neighbours in meeting needs and working for justice, freedom and reconciliation
We look on in faith to the conclusion of this age when Christ returns for
the bodily resurrection of the dead and the judgment of all people,
resulting in the separation of unbelievers from God’s presence forever,
and the reuniting of the whole family of believers to enjoy God and each other forever.