Hope Church Covid-19 Updates

Wednesday 1 December 2021

December 1 is the official start of Advent.  We remember that Jesus is with us as we go forward together.  Join us online this Sunday at 10am as we light the Advent Candle of joy.

Here’s some news about life at Hope Church in the days ahead – with more details to come.

 1.       Sunday Gathering Plans for the Covid Protective Framework (CPF, aka Traffic Lights)  

*Vaccinated refers to gatherings that require the use of a Vaccine Pass.

**Open refers to gatherings that do not require a Vaccine Pass.

This plan will be regularly reassessed.


2.      Summer Gatherings Upcoming

 We are entering the Covid Protection Plan at the end of this week at Orange.  Here’s the plan for Summer Sundays:

Services will be reassessed in mid-January, or as needed. 


1.        Come Together – Christmas 2021


To celebrate Christmas this year, we are running four gatherings, which you need to register for.  Please register early for these.  Invite your friends and family as we sing carols and hear the message of Jesus.

  •  Saturday 18 December, 6:30pm: Open service

  • Sunday 19 December, 8:30am: Open service

  • Sunday 19 December, 9:45am: Vaccinated service

  • Sunday 19 December, 11am: Vaccinated Service


2.         Other Questions You May Have

 Can I attend an Open service even if I am vaccinated?

We’d like you to be able to make your own choice.  Please keep in mind the limited seating available at Open services.  We’d particularly like those seats to be filled by people without a Vaccine Pass and by their families.  If you register through our online booking system, you’ll be given a chance to give up your seat if the service is overbooked and you have a Vaccine Pass.


How do I use my Vaccine Pass for the Vaccinated gatherings? 

When you arrive for the “Vaccinated” gathering, you will be required to show your Vaccine Pass, as well as use the Covid Tracer App (or manual record).  Please be early to this gathering to help speed this up.

We also accept pre-viewed Vaccine Passes, so you don’t have to show it on the day.  To be on this list, we need to see your Vaccine Pass and keep a record of your name and expiration date.  You can send a picture (screen shot or photo) of it to mark@hopechurch.org.nz, or show it to Melvyn at church.  When you have your Vaccine Pass pre-viewed, you are giving permission to Hope Church to hold this record on your behalf.


What if I need help to access my Vaccine Pass?

You can go to any Pharmacy with your details, and they can print one for you.  Or call the church office and we’ll do our best to help you.


Do I have to register for Sunday gatherings?

You only have to register for the Open Sunday gatherings that have capacity caps.  This will also help us to manage the numbers and ensure all who want to attend are able to.  Register, as before, on our website under BOOKINGS.  This will be available from the week starting December 6.


What about the other gatherings and ministries I am involved in? 

2021 is quickly drawing to a close.  We’ll be working with ministry leaders and groups on how the Covid Protective Framework affects them.  Don’t hesitate to contact staff if you have particular questions.


What about masks?

The government encourages masks in all gatherings, and requires them for all staff and volunteers as they serve (though not while up on stage). Talk to your ministry leader, or Mark, if you have more questions.




Great news, church family! This Sunday, September 26th, we’ll be having two live gatherings of 100 on-site at Hope Church - 9am and 11am.
We will be following Government directives and you must sign up to attend. Watch out for an email with a link this week where you can sign up for an in-person service.

A stripped back online version will go live at 6pm that evening for those unable, for any reason, to be present in the morning.

So then, your options for worship this Sunday are:
9am live gathering at Hope Church
11am live gathering at Hope Church
6pm online gathering

Please note that all other Hope Church ministries are unaffected by the recent small changes the Government has made to Level 2. Ministry leadership will make contact with you about any specific changes as they occur.

We are excited to be getting together with you all this Sunday – in-person or online. Be watching for the continuing updates this week, including all you need to know for this weekend.

Tuesday 7 September 2021

We’re excited to see the Covid Levels reducing around NZ – Level two starts from Tuesday at midnight. It does make a difference for us.

We can immediately start meeting again within our Life Groups and in households. We encourage you to catch up - safely - and enjoy time together in person.

We’ll be making firm decisions about other ministries by the end of the week. In the meantime they remain on hold.

Our Sunday church services will continue online for now. We’ve been particularly enjoying all the photos of life around the Tasman region that so many of you have sent in - please keep them coming! They need to be in by Wednesday evening to make it into the service.

Enjoy the new freedoms of Level 2 and being able, once more, to spend time with family and friends. We’ll continue to update you as more information comes to hand.

TUESDAY 31 August 2021

Tonight’s change from Level 4 to Level 3 means very little change in how we can gather as a church. 

In-person gatherings are still unable to happen and so all ministries and services by Hope Church will be through other means - largely online. 

The church facilities remain closed, but if you have an urgent need for something, please contact Melvyn Nicholls (melvyn@hopechurch.org.nz).  

This coming Sunday we are celebrating Father’s Day online,  and look forward to gathering with you at 10am.

Don’t hesitate to contact any of the Pastoral Staff if you have any needs or questions.  


A Message for our Hope Church Family

Hope Church, along with the rest of NZ, are now at Covid Level 4 for three days. This means that each of us needs to remain within our family or household bubble except for essential requirements.

As a result all in-person ministries associated with Hope Church are cancelled until the end of Friday, August 20th. The facility will also be closed and we ask that the building not be accessed. We will update this framework following the government’s Friday briefing.

We are also cancelling our church services for this Sunday, August 22nd. Instead, a short video from our Lead Pastor, Daryl, will be posted on our Hope Church Facebook page and emailed around our church family at 8am Sunday morning. Watch out for that – where Daryl will bring a word of encouragement to our lives and update us on the latest around the Covid situation.

Next Sunday, 29 August, we will be gathering online at 10am only (not the usual 9am and 11am). You can find the "Live Church" link on our homepage.

In the meantime let’s keep ourselves and our fellow New Zealanders safe through following mandated practises with Covid.

THURSDAY 4th March

Dear Church Family

We’re planning to gather this Sunday (March 7) for our Whanau Service and we want you and your family to come!  Registration is now open for our Level 2 services.

 Here’s the two big things you need to know for Sunday:

  1. If we are in Level 1, there will be the normal 9am and 11am services at Hope.  Let’s pray for this option!  But if we remain in Level 2, there will be 3 shorter services, at 8:30am, 10am and 11:30am. Creche will be operating at the first two services and the space will be available for parents at the third service.

  2. In case of Level 2, we are asking you to pre-register for one of the three shorter services.  This ensures we will stay under 100 people.  You can sign up, by Friday at 5pm, by:

    • Filling in the online registration by clicking HERE (this is the best option)

    • Sending an email to lisa@hopechurch.org.nz (include the subject SIGN UP, which service you’d like to attend, and number coming)

    • Sending a text to Mark Fryer

By the end of Friday we plan to communicate again with the latest (via email, Facebook, and on Hope’s webpage).  We will give more details about the service then.

We have a fantastic gathering for the whole family planned, continuing our great series on The Way of Jesus.  We’ve made space, so we encourage you to sign up and worship with us.

Looking forward to seeing you all


Monday 1 March 2021: Covid Alert Level 2

As of 6am, Sunday 28 February, we have been under Level 2 restrictions – to be reviewed by the government later in the week.  Level 2 means gathering size restrictions of 100, and a number of safety measures for everyday life.

Here’s an update for the week ahead, including answers to some questions you might have:

What does Level 2 mean for our church facility at Ranzau Road? 

Each entrance is set up with manual sign in and Covid Tracer App sign in available.  Please sign in as you enter the facility.  Hand sanitizer is provided for your use too.  

Cleaning will be stepped up through this period to ensure that surfaces are cleaned between groups and areas are ready for reuse.  

Please stay home and don’t enter the facility if you are feeling unwell.

Are usual midweek activities happening?

Yes, as long as they are under the 100 person gathering limit.  Activities and events continue on site at Hope Church, operating under government guidelines.  If you have any doubt about your activity, contact your ministry leader.

It’s especially crucial that you catch up with your Life Group in weeks like this, and reach out to people in your circle of connections.  At your Life Groups, it’s important that attendance records are maintained and that hygiene practices are followed carefully.

What about this Sunday’s gathering (March 7)?

We will let you know later in the week about this Sunday, as we await the government’s review.  However, you can expect the following for these levels:

  • Level 3 means online gatherings only, at 9am and 11am.  The link will be on our webpage.   At Level 3, there are no live Sunday gatherings at Ranzau Road. 

  • Level 2 means we will hold 3 smaller live gatherings at Ranzau Road.  These will be at 8:30am, 10am, and 11:30am.

 We will cap the numbers at 100, so you need to register for the service you plan to attend.  This may be a little messy this week, but you can register by Friday 11am:

  • On our website sign up form that will be available by Thursday at 9am (this is the best way)

  • By emailing lisa@hopechurch.org.nz (include the subject line “SIGN UP” and indicate the number attending, and which service)

  • Level 1 means live gatherings as normal, 9am and 11am.  Let’s pray for this option!

As this week unfolds, we plan to communicate with you as much as we possibly can via email, Facebook and on our webpage.  Keep an eye on these, especially after key  government updates.

These crazy days make our current series even more important!  Jesus is the most peaceful, purposeful, joyful person who ever lived!  

As we live like him, walking in his way, we become less anxious and more peaceful, less reactive and more loving, less rushed and more full of the Holy Spirit.  

May we be a people who walk in the way of Jesus, making space each day to be with Him.

Saturday February 27, 2021: Covid-19 Level 2

Dear Church Family:

 With the last minute Covid-19 Level 2 change, there will be no church gathering tomorrow, on Sunday February 28.  This includes any live gathering, as well as online services.

 We had several fantastic baptisms and stories planned for tomorrow and we are passionate to have these stories shared with as many as possible.  In order to honour those being baptised and the large number of guests who had been invited, the best decision is to postpone tomorrow’s gathering.

Also, with the heightened uncertainty in the community over this episode, and the short notice to conduct multiple Level 2 services well, we instead encourage you to meet with your Life Groups and family friends.

Please pray for Ashley, Murray and Helen who are eager to be baptised, and for those who will yet get to hear their testimonies.  


Monday 15 FEBRUARY 2021: Covid Alert Level 2

With the government announcement yesterday we have now moved to a Covid Level 2 alert until midnight Wednesday. The government will be updating and reassessing every 24 hours until then and a decision will be made late Wednesday as to the alert level status going forward. We will update you further on Thursday morning.

We are responding to current alert level change in the following ways:

  1. Sunday Church Services: We anticipate making a firm decision regarding this coming Sunday after the government level alert announcement on Wednesday. If we move to Level 1 we will continue with our Sunday services as usual; if we remain at Level 2 or move to Level 3 we will have two online services on Sunday (9am and 11am). We are investigating our options for services if Level 2 continues for an extended period.

  2. Ministry Groups: All other ministry groups are encouraged to continue meeting – while maintaining tracing records and good hygiene practises.

  3. Hope Church Facility: Hope Church is open for use. The entry is at the SW side where sign-in is available through the Tracer App or a paper sign-in. Cleaning has been stepped up during the elevated Covid Alert Level.

Please note that communications around this will be emailed out and available on our website. Facebook will also have essential information.
Thanks for your patience, everyone. If you are in need of someone to talk with or any care during this time you are welcome to make contact with the Pastoral Care Team here at Hope Church.

We are also delighted with the response to our new series, The Way of Jesus. Please do be part of this in your life groups and relationships, and catch up on the message online if you missed it.

Tuesday 22 September 2020 Update

Back Together Onsite This Sunday, 9am and 11am!

It’s great news and happy days that we are back together for worship, live on site, from this Sunday! We’ll be running our normal 9am and 11am services, with Half-time to catch up in between.  We are planning a great service to celebrate and we would love you to join us.

Contract tracing is recommended by the government, so our QR code will be available, along with sign up sheets.  There are no social distancing rules, but we encourage you to be warm but considerate to those you greet (we are all a little different in our anxiety levels about Covid-19).

Just a note: while during this past Level 2 restriction we have been gathering online, it’s highly likely that if we have another period of restrictions, we will be looking at how we can host smaller gatherings going forward.  Thank you for all your patience, flexibility and concern for each other during these difficult days

Updated Saturday, August 15th 2020

Hope Community Church: Covid 19  Alert Level 2

Our Church facility and offices are open as usual and you are welcome to be onsite. We are only having the SW entrance open and you will find hand sanitizer, and the use of a sign-in sheet or QR Covid Tracer as you enter. While onsite, please comply with the General Requirements in the Level 2 Guidelines Document under point 1.

We are encouraging all normal ministry gatherings to continue unless they are likely to surpass the 100 person limit or if those who gather are vulnerable or compromised through age or health.

The following procedures and protocols are in place from August 12th 2020 under Alert Level 2.


No Live Gathering this Sunday 16th August 2020, instead Church Online.

 Dear Church Family:

 In light of the latest government news, we’ve made the call to cancel this Sunday’s live 9am and 11am gatherings at Hope Church (for Sunday August 16, 2020).

 Instead, we’ll be gathering online this Sunday, 9am and 11am, which you can reach by clicking here.  We will be continuing our series in Romans, with something for the children, with worship, and communion.  

This decision only relates to this Sunday, and helps us to prioritise love for the vulnerable, and to relieve the many volunteers and service teams that make a Sunday morning happen.  Friday will bring more government announcements, and we will be keeping you up to date with life at Hope Church as soon as we know more details.  This includes the ongoing ministries and groups that meet as part of our mission.

As long as we are in Level 2 or below, we encourage you to keep meeting in your life groups, with appropriate health practices, in order to pursue the community and mission to which Jesus has called us.

This news brings with it a fresh sense of anxiety and unsettledness for many of us.  Likewise, it brings a renewed opportunity to demonstrate love and care, to those within the church family, and to those in the wider community.  May we all be salt and light, as those called to bring hope to the world.

We plan to communicate with you again as the next week unfolds.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us if we can serve you in any way.

Tuesday 9 June 2020

As of Sunday June 14, 2020, we are thrilled to be meeting again on site at our 9am and 11am gatherings.

Thursday 14 May 2020

Saturday 21 March 2020

Hi Church Family:
Life is changing so fast, and this is an incredible time for us to be people of Hope.  
Galatians 6:9-10:
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Based on today’s Government update, aiming to slow the spread of the Covid-19, here’s the latest from Hope Church:
1.    We are not encouraging official small group meetings.  
In your own household, you can still use the “House Church” material that we have posted on our website to stay connected to what is happening within the church body.  
If you do choose to meet together with others, we encourage you to follow the government’s advice for interaction, found here: www.covid19.govt.nz.
2.    Over 70s and high-risk people are advised to remain at home.  This includes people with underlying health conditions.
3.    We want to love each other, and our community well.
With many people required to stay indoors and away from others, there are so many ways we can care.  We want to create an army of helpers!  

  • Do you need help? (Groceries bought? Things delivered? A phone call? Prayer?  Someone to check in on you?)

  • Can you provide help?  

Let us know by emailing us on: help@hopechurch.org.nz
Or call one of the staff:
Donald, 027 453 2312
Antoinette, 027 358 5384
Mark, 027 216 6025
Daryl, 021 156 9925
            Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at church over these days.

Wednesday 18th March 2020

Dear Hope Church Family:
It’s been a crazy week.  Yet, as Psalm 46 says: God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in times of trouble.
We’ve been monitoring the national guidelines regarding the Covid-19 crisis, and praying about how we can be people of Hope here in our wonderful community. Most importantly, what does love look like at a time like this?

As of this Sunday morning (March 22), we are postponing all church gatherings held here at Hope Community Church.  There will be no Sunday gathering this week (March 22). This will be reassessed after Sunday April 5.  This postponing also includes 180 Intermediate, Ignite Youth, MaxOut Kid’s Club, and Mini-Movers until after the April school holidays.

Our heart is for our community – to do whatever we can to limit the spread of the pandemic; and to take this opportunity to be and do “church” a little differently.
Here are some answers to questions you may have:

1.  How can I still have Christian community and worship?
In your small group!  We will be encouraging small groups to meet during the week, and on Sunday morning, for those happy to do so.  We plan to create some “home-grown” material to encourage community, sharing, and consideration of the how the gospel gives us opportunities at a time like this.  You will receive an email about this later in the week.  If you are not part of a small group, now is a great time to join – talk to Mark Fryer. Or grab another family or two, to meet on Sunday and during the week. Click here for Resources

2.  What are some of the safe practices to use?

  • No handshakes, hugs, hongis (or holy kisses!)

  • Regular hand washing.

  • Any food to be served in individual portions

  • Stay home if you are feeling sick.

  • We encourage those who are vulnerable (elderly/those with compromised health) to consider staying home.

  • We discourage meeting together if you have come into contact with anyone who has arrived in from overseas, as per government advice.

3.  What about Men’s Camp?
Apart from further government news, Men’s Camp will continue at St Arnaud this weekend.  It is set to be a fantastic time.

4.  What if I feel alone and anxious amongst all the turmoil?
Your small group is always a great place to start, and you are very welcome to reach out to the Pastoral Care team here at church.  We would love to support you during this time. Take the chance to reach out to someone who might feel alone – make a phone call and you will both be blessed!

Don’t hesitate to contact us here at the church offices if you have any questions.  We will be in contact via email and Facebook in the days ahead.

Let’s be praying for health, and a movement of love and God’s Spirit in our community.

Daryl Bay

On Behalf of Hope Elders