Sunday service offsite at Teapot Valley 10am


Sunday service offsite at Teapot Valley 10am -

 Good Friday, 7pm, at Hope Church

This is a quiet, reflective meditation on the cross.  We will be confessing our unworthiness of God's grace, and the absolute worthiness of Jesus to be our substitute and our king.  We will be receiving communion.

There are no refreshments afterwards, and you'll be invited to stay and pray, or to leave the auditorium in silence.  

Resurrection Sunday, 10am at Teapot Valley Camp

This is an outdoor, relaxed, joyful family service, celebrating the life of Jesus that has burst from the grace and into our lives today.  Followed by a BBQ lunch and activities.


  • Be early!  Parking is 200m from the service (there are closer parks available for those less mobile)

  • Bring a deck chair or blanket to sit on the grass.  There will be chairs available for those who want them.   

  • Bring sun-screen, a sun-hat and drinking water; it looks like it will be a hot day.

  • There will be a creche space available for Pre-school children to do activities from part way during the service.

  • Stay for lunch, and for the activities afterwards (so many cool things at Teapot to do, including the pool).  The service starts at 10am and activities will go to 1:30/2pm-ish.

  • Give a generous gift to Teapot Valley Camp, either in the boxes on Sunday or via the church account (marked "Teapot").