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Sunday 9am & 11am Identical Services

  • HCC 114 Ranzau Road Hope, Tasman, 7020 New Zealand (map)

Kiwis have a lot of questions about religion right now and Hope Church has a “doubters welcome” mat at the door.  During the month of June, at our 9am and 11am gatherings, we are wrestling with some of New Zealand’s big questions about faith, religion and Jesus.  

 How can there be a God in a day of shootings and fires? Aren’t all religions the same anyway? What is “tolerance” and what if I’m not sure who I should tolerate? Are all Christians bigots? What evidence do I need to have faith in God anyway?

 We can’t promise a tidy little answer to every big questions – but we can promise you a person who for centuries has provided grace, truth and life-giving love.  You’re welcome to come and explore with us, as we consider what it means to follow Jesus.  June 2, 9, 16, 23.  Hope Church, 9am and 11am.

Earlier Event: June 16
Mission BBQ